An Tir Equestrian Guild


Classical Training and Riding

Xenophone, The Art of the Horse, (2006) unabridged republication of the edition published by Little, Brown and Co. 1893

Dom Duarte, The Royal Book of Showmanship, Jousting and Knightly Combat, English translation of King Dom Duarte's 1438 Treatise "The Art of Riding in Every Saddle, Translated by Preto, Antonio Franco and Preto, Luis The Chivalry Bookshelf, Texas 2005 ISBN: 1-891448-34-x

Antoine de Pluvinel, Instruction of the King in the Art of Mounting the Horse", Paris, 1629

William Cavendish - A General System of Horsemanship – Robert Hale Limited 1743 - 0851317596, 9780851317595

François Robichon de La Guérinière - School of Horsemanship, translation by Tracy Boucher: 9780851315751

Gustav Steinbrecht –The Gymnasium of the Horse – Xenophon Press (1995) - ISBN-10: 0933316046

Alois Podhajsky - The Complete Training of Horse and Rider in the Principles of Classical Horsemanship – Wilshire Book Co - ISBN-10: 0879802359

Horses in History

Ann Hyland:
Training the Roman cavalry: from Arrian's Ars tactica - Sutton, 1993
The Warhorse from Byzantium to the Crusades
, Sutton Publishing, 1994.
The Warhorse, 1250-1600 - Sutton, 1998
The Horse in the Middle Ages - Sutton, 1999
The Horse in the Ancient World - Praeger, 2003

Clark, John, Blanche M A Ellis, Geoff Egan, Nick Grifiths, D james Rackham, Brian Spencer and Angela Wardle. The Museum of London: The Medieval Horse and its Equipment c 1150 – c 1450. London: The Boydell Press, 1995. ISBN 1-84383-097-3